Color Style Studio (paint color schemes)

Color Style Studio (paint color schemes) icon

Publisher description

If you're a professional involved with painting, decorating or color design, you need Color Style Studio! Color Style Studio enables you to select color schemes using photos of real objects such as house interior or exterior and more! Choose colors from California Paints, PPG, Colortrend, NCS, RAL, Sikkens, Symphony and 80 other available sets (more then 45000 various colors). Select a photo of your client?s house and let your clients choose their preferred paint colors. Then sit back and watch their amazement while you show them their house instantly repainted in their chosen color scheme! Have your clients choose other colors and watch as you "repaint" the house over and over again, quickly and easily. And moreover, if you do not have time to make client's house shots, just pick similar object from Color Style Studio's big collection of ready interior and exterior photos. Increase your revenue and gain an advantage over your competition providing unique visual color reception service! Attract more clients with your ability to restore forgotten tints. Color Style Studio is so powerful it can search for every possible custom color within real color collections. Flaunt your creativity using a special mode that shows random compositions of tints applied to an object, one at a time. While in this mode, you're able to find rich and original color solutions that others can't. Use the built-in calculator and stop wasting your time manually calculating the costs of paint and materials. Color Style Studio facilitates the tedious process of matching and selecting color by enabling you to apply different color combinations to the object in your photo. No more wondering which composition is the "best house color scheme". You'll close more sales when you show your customers how their house will look before you open the first paint can. Color Style Studio is like an interesting and exciting game that focuses on color rather than color management.

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